Every year in April, Leclaire hosts a MobilePack event for Feed My Starving Children; in 2024, we were able to pack 108,864 meals, enough to feed 297 children daily for a whole year! Thank you to everyone who volunteered and donated to help make this happen and we can't wait for our 2025 MobilePack on April 4th & 5th! Volunteer sign-ups will begin SOON!
FMSC is a Christian nonprofit dedicated to providing nutritious meals to children worldwide. FMSC meals are hand-packed by volunteers and sent to an incredible network of partner organizations who distribute them to those in need. In 2023, more than 436 million meals were shipped to 64 countries around the world - enough to feed 1,196,601 children daily for a whole year! More info at fmsc.org.
The cost of the food and supplies for the 2025 Mobile Pack is $32,500. Our MobilePack for this year is now fully funded! Funds are raised through donations and various events throughout the year. If you would like to give towards next year's MobilePack, you can click the button below to give online.